Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poems by Jackie

Hey, just wanted to explain how our sent-in works are going to work. The title of sent in posts will be: (title) by (your name here). In this case we have multiple poems, so in case of multiples, it will be a generic title (i.e. poems, photos, etc.). If you have short stories, music, etc. it will be the title of the work. Also we won't use last names on this site, so don't worry about that.

Now that that's out of the way, here's our first post sent in by a friend of mine and JP's:

Waves and Rain

I think as I sit upon the rocky shore
the sprays from the waves hit my face like a summers rain,
Warm, exciting, sometimes painful but always unexpected.
No one really likes the waves or the rain but I accept them with an open heart.
For how can a flower grow without rain?
A flower loses it beauty if it does not blossom.
How can the ocean change without waves?
Without change it wouldn't be so unique and yet so strange
it would be dull and boring and always the same.
We can't grow and change without winds and the rain.

What good am I?
What good is life if you do not live?
What good is the sun if you hide in the dark?
What good is riches if you do not share it?
What good is a heart if it is filled with hate?
What good is heaven if you are not there?
Life is not worth living if I do not have you
I will give up everything I have for being with you is worth so much more than anything I could ever own
It is not possible for me to have hate in my heart for it is filled with love for you
And I would ride down to the very gate of hell and fight the devil himself to rescue your soul for heaven really isn't perfect without you there.


I breath in the air of a warm spring morning
Everything and everyone is quiet and still
They're waiting for the suns rising
Streaks of red and orange shine over a distant hill

The Earth awakes,
the birds start singing,
the animals start playing,
They're all eager for their new day

The storm is over, the thunder is gone
all their is left of it is the rainbow shining across the sky
I look at all of these things and I see all the Earth's beauty
Yes, one day the storm will com again and the beauty will be gone
but for today beauty is all I see
Today is going to be a good day.

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